Minor Hotels owns, manages and operates a diverse portfolio of over 530 hotels, resorts and branded residences across six continents. We drive growth through our eight hotel brands, alongside a col...
Thoughtfully designed luxury hotels infused with local charm, connecting guests to places, people and stories in extraordinary destinations.
Style-savvy hotels designed for the modern traveller, promising well-balanced urban and resort stays.
A wide network of midscale and upscale hotels and resorts that offer a fresh, natural style and friendly service for business and leisure travellers.
An eclectic series of elegant hotels housed in unique and iconic buildings in key cities and resort destinations across the world.
Founded in 1933 in Lisbon, Tivoli brings luxurious metropolitan style to global destinations, each hotel a unique offering inspired by its exotic surroundings.
Bold and distinctive lifestyle hotels, each designed by a renowned architect. Each hotel is daringly different, featuring elements inspired by the locale.
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