Minor Hotels to Debut in Singapore with Avani Hotels & Resorts Lifestyle Brand 2.01 เมกะไบต์

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Release - Minor Hotels to Debut in Singapore with Avani Hotels & Resorts Lifestyle Brand
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Release - Minor Hotels to Debut in Singapore with Avani Hotels & Resorts Lifestyle Brand
Pictured above, from left to right: Mr. Rashed Mohammed Ahmed Darwa Alkaabi, Director of Alwathba Investment, Mr. William E. Heinecke,
Founder and Chairman of 
Minor International, Mr. Shuichi Oishi, CEO of Kajima Development, and Mr. Dillip Rajakarier, Group CEO of Minor International and CEO of Minor Hotels
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  • 1.71 เมกะไบต์
Pictured above, from left to right: Mr. Rashed Mohammed Ahmed Darwa Alkaabi, Director of Alwathba Investment, Mr. William E. Heinecke, Founder and Chairman of Minor International, Mr. Shuichi Oishi, CEO of Kajima Development, and Mr. Dillip Rajakarier, Group CEO of Minor International and CEO of Minor Hotels

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